I took these for my advanced studio class. The assignment was really just to create an image including 3 or more people while lighting them with strobes.
Of course, I managed to accumulate a few technical difficulties while completing the assignment. Carianne and I had originally done our shoot one week prior to this one, but made a very amateur mistake regarding the synchronization of camera and flash. Normally, if I am shooting film for studio work, I'll use the Hasselblad because it syncs shutter speeds higher than most cameras, which allows me to take images with a shallower depth of field. In attempts to experiment with other medium format cameras, we chose to use the Mamiya 645. Having never used it outside of class, it slipped both of our minds entirely that this camera, similar to a 35mm, syncs with flash at a 1/60 of a second not 1/500 like the Hasselblad. We assumed the same mechanics we would if using the Hasselblad, which in the end ruined our film. Shooting at higher speeds than 1/60, gave us an entirely unexposed, black negative, minus a thin strip of exposure on one side...
So, we obviously had to re-shoot and this is how mine came out. I am not entirely happy with the images, it was difficult being a subject in my own photos, but the results are not terrible either. I think my quality of light was successful and well placed, but I do think that had I not been my own model, the images would be much stronger....
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